Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rabbi's are pretty angry!


Known for photographing a crowd of naked people, Spencer Tunick this time chose the Lut Lake in Israel. This event was held a huge secret until the day of the shoot, which was a Saturday. This frustrated lots of rabbi's in the nation since Saturday is their Holy Day. 

I can only say, that American photographer Spencer Tunick, has created another uprising shoot. You can see the rest of the pictures after the jump.

Photographing naked crowds all over the world, usually symbolic locations, Spencer Tunick has chosen Lake Lut in Israel for his next photoshoot. This occasion was held a secret until the very moment, when the sun was just about to rise up over the lake and so the pictures would be awesome.

It wasn't a piece of cake putting such an idea into action. Lots of radical Jewish societies proposed every possible motion to inhibit the shoot. Now as one side of me thinks of this as an offense to the Jewish community, the side of me that supports the art Tunick makes justifies his idea and finds it reasonable. I would like to know what you think of it as well. Make sure you check out Tunick's website. But for now, I'm just gonna leave you with the marvelous shots he took in Israel. Ennnnnnnjoyyy!! 

You can also support Spencer Tunick on his facebook page

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