You'd be surprised how little of the songs today aren't originals. When you count the big artists of today's samples the numbers are gross:
Lady Gaga 30,
Chris Brown 60,
Kanye West 254, and
Lil Wayne has sampled 380 songs. The why is obvious: It's cheap and the kids of today won't know a beat from a song that was popular 20 years ago.
Are DJ's running out of beats?? Here are some songs that you would have never guessed were taken. See where Mac Miller, Daft Punk, Lil Wayne and more get their beats, and who even sampled Yoko Ono after the Jump!
Jay-Z & Alicia Key's sample of from 'The Moments - Love on a Two Way Street' from 1968.
Sample appears at 0:12 till End Sample starts at 0:00